Memory Screenings

Dynamic Senior Solutions is partnered with the National Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and certified to perform memory screenings. According to NAFA memory screenings make sense for anyone who is concerned with memory loss or experiencing warning signs of dementia; whose family and friends have noticed memory-related changes; or those who believe they are at risk due to a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or a related illness. Screenings also are appropriate for people who do not not have a concern right now, but wish to check their memory now and for future comparisons.
If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you might benefit from a memory screening.
- Am I becoming more forgetful?
- Do I have trouble concentrating?
- Do I have difficulty performing familiar tasks?
- Do I have trouble recalling words or names in conversation?
- Do I sometimes forget where I am or where I am going?
- Have family or friends told me that I am repeating questions or saying the same thing over and over again?
- Am I misplacing things more often?
- Have I become lost when walking or driving?
- Have my family or friends noticed changes in my mood, behavior, personality or desire to do things?
Note: A memory screening is not used to diagnose any particular illness and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician or other healthcare professional.
Dynamic Senior Solutions offers memory screenings by appointment. Call 937.429.4220 for more information. There is no charge for this service.
Our Location
Dynamic Senior Solutions
3295 Seajay Drive
Beavercreek, Ohio 45430
Our Foundation
Dynamic Senior Solutions Foundation
3295 Seajay Drive
Beavercreek, Ohio 45430